
Author Kate Thon

Final Course Reflection –

Well, we made it to the end! As I reflect on my learning and myself as an educator, I’ve realized that although there are many things I do well (curating materials, facilitating discourse, structuring collaborative activities) my clunkiness (is that… Continue Reading →

Feedback (FLIF) Post

Celpax on Unsplash Feedback How did you feel while you were preparing for and delivering your mini-lesson? At this point in the course, through the blogs and discussions that have taken place, it definitely feels like a very safe and… Continue Reading →

Week 11 (Managing the Online Environment)

Hello! Structuring online activities to prioritize communication, collaboration and interaction have been on my mind a lot lately due to the fact that many of our students are suffering from social isolation. COVID remote learning has been a long haul…. Continue Reading →

Building Online Community (Week 9)

I am pretty fortunate to be able to dabble in synchronous, asynchronous and blended learning environments. I really appreciate a shared virtual space and have found that many of my “tried and true” activities can effectively be applied to the… Continue Reading →

Engaging and Motivating Students Online (Week 10)

This week kind of threw me for a loop.  The week opened with teacher presence and then, right back into course design?   After some thought, I realized it actually makes a lot of sense.  Keller’s ARCS model addresses motivational concerns… Continue Reading →

e-Moderating (week 7)

Welcome to Week 7.  Comparing models, finding them pretty similar, then jumping down yet another rabbit hole.  Thanks for joining along!   Both the Community of Inquiry Framework (Col) and the Five-Stage Model of E-Moderating provide a framework for supporting and… Continue Reading →

Online Design Plan – Week 6

Welcome! I’ve been following Fink’s Self-Directed Guide to Significant Learning to work through the planning process for my online teaching and learning experience.  I’m finding the integrated process to be very beneficial.  Starting off with what you’d like the students… Continue Reading →

Fink’s Situational Factors – Week 5 Already!

Thank you for stopping by to read the situational factors specific to my educational context.  One of the areas I teach is our yoga curriculum.   Specific Context of the Teaching/Learning Situation  Currently, we have 28 students registered ranging from grade… Continue Reading →

Instructional Design (Week 4)

Photo by Alvaro Reyes on Unsplash Instructional Design Model Reflection Working through this week’s material has made me realize how well designed the Coursera course,  Equine Welfare and Management, I’m auditing really is. The course is an excellent exemplar of the ADDIE model. … Continue Reading →

Falling Down the Rabbit Hole of Connectivism (I might need help… it’s only week 3)

This week, I have struggling to conceptualize what connectivism looks like with regards to course design. The idea of connectivism is really exciting. The idea that the internet has changed the essential nature of knowledge certainly resonates with me. But… Continue Reading →

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